Ten Tips To Help Ease Life With A Chronic Disease

 Ten Tips To Help Ease Life With A Chronic Disease

Ten Tips To Help Ease Life With A Chronic Disease

No matter what the diagnosis, finding out that you have a chronic illness can be a frightening and confusing experience. Following are 10 steps, provided by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, to help people cope with the news more easily:

1. Educate yourself about the disease. You owe it to yourself to know as much as possible. Contact health organizations specific to your illness, such as the National MS Society, for comprehensive information. The Internet, bookstores and the library are also great resources.

2. Choose a health care provider that is right for you. Even before making your first appointment, make a list of questions to ask. Some great basic questions often overlooked are:

• Does the provider accept my health insurance?

• What do I need to bring to my first appointment? (e.g., a list of your medications, recent lab reports, MRI scans, etc.)

• Approximately how many other people with my condition does this provider see in a year?

• If the primary professional is not available, who helps me?


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