The Bird Flu Pandemic

 The Bird Flu Pandemic

Are we on the brink of a Bird Flu Pandemic in the UK? That is the big question that everyone is wondering about in recent times. Only a few months ago Avian Influensa or bird flu as its known more widely was only reported in distant countries. In recent months the outbreak has been reported in European countries and now in the last month the first few cases have been reported in the UK.

Avian Influensa or bird flu is a highly contagious disease of birds caused by virus influenza. Bird flu is currently only affecting poultry and some in some cases peoples infection in the Far East. The virus strain is currently named H5N1 and can be spread by animals via contaminated droppings; this can be spread among other birds and passed onto other animals through ingestion and inhalation of the droppings.

It has been reported that no bird species are immune to this Avian influenza. Migratory birds such as wild ducks, geese can carry the virus between different countries and often show no signs of the symptoms connected with illness. Poultry flocks are particular vulnerable to epidemics of a severe and quick form of the disease.


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